
How to Comfort Someone Who Got Too High

When someone consumes too much cannabis, whether for recreational or medicinal purposes, it can lead to an uncomfortable experience commonly referred to as being “too high.” This situation can be distressing for the individual and concerning for those around them. As a friend or companion, you can offer comfort and support to help them through the experience. In this article, we’ll discuss some effective ways to comfort someone who got too high.

1. Stay Calm and Reassuring

Your demeanor plays a significant role in helping someone who is too high. Stay calm, patient, and reassuring to help ease their anxiety or fear. Let them know that the effects will pass, and they are not in danger.

2. Find a Safe and Comfortable Space

Move the person to a quiet and comfortable environment where they can relax and feel safe. Dim the lights, minimize noise, and make sure the space is free from potential hazards.

3. Offer Hydration

Providing water or non-caffeinated herbal tea can help keep the individual hydrated and may ease some of the side effects of being too high, such as dry mouth. Avoid alcohol and caffeinated drinks, as they can worsen anxiety.

4. Provide a Snack

Offering a light snack can help stabilize blood sugar levels and may ease the effects of being too high. Choose healthy snacks like fruits, nuts, or crackers for a soothing effect.

5. Encourage Deep Breathing

Deep, slow breaths can help the person relax and reduce anxiety. Guide them through some simple breathing exercises, such as inhaling deeply through the nose and exhaling slowly through the mouth.

6. Engage in Calm and Positive Conversation

Distract the person from their discomfort by engaging them in calm and positive conversation. Discuss light topics or share reassuring stories to help them take their mind off their current state.

7. Remind Them That the Effects Are Temporary

Reassure the person that the effects of being too high are temporary and will wear off in time. Let them know that they will start to feel better soon.

8. Avoid Overstimulation

Keep the environment free from overstimulation by limiting loud noises, bright lights, and other potential triggers. Provide a peaceful setting for the person to rest and recover.

9. Monitor Their Condition

Keep an eye on the person’s condition and check in with them regularly to ensure they’re feeling better. If their condition worsens or they experience severe symptoms such as vomiting, confusion, or fainting, seek medical attention immediately.


Comforting someone who got too high requires patience, reassurance, and a calm demeanor. By providing a safe and comfortable environment, offering hydration and snacks, and engaging in calm conversation, you can help them through the experience. Remember, the effects of being too high are temporary, and with your support, the person will start to feel better in time. If their symptoms are severe, do not hesitate to seek medical assistance.

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